About Me!

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A crazy poet, a creative writer, an occasional blogger, a dreamy dancer to the rhythms of Bharatanatyam, a passionate 'Art of Living' trainer with a penchant for Meditation, a perpetual learner of Sanskrit, a hobby graphologist, a boring Software professional .... I am all that life has ever thrown at me so lovingly and continues to!

Witty One Liner

On the door of every heart hangs a placard that reads, 'Go back, it's a trap!' and yet, Cupid enters blindly! ;-)

-- Savi Savitha/-

Never Ending Tussle

 Heart: "Why are you so painful?"
 Love: "Me? I don't know"
 Love: "Hey Ego! Why don't you ever admit? Heart thinks that's me!" 
Ego: "Well, she doesn't even notice me. She's hooked on to you all the time!"

-- Savi Savitha/-

Divine Grace

When everything finally falls in place, 
In spite of all the crazy hitches I face,
That's when I know my life is on the right pace,
In the end, all that really matters is divine grace!

-- Savi Savitha/-

Building castles in air

 Remember how you would proudly crush my carefully built sand castle on the beach when we were kids? It made me believe that's how the game was meant to end. Today, you do the same with my dreams! 

-- Savi Savitha/-

Tiny Scribble

 Head: "You know it hurts whenever that thorn pricks. Why don't you just pull it out?!"

❤️: "Coz now it just pricks. Then, it would bleed forever. And that pain would be unbearable!"

-- Savi Savitha/-

Make me wanna

 Every time the world breaks me apart, I come and spill the broken pieces in front of you. The way you carefully pick each one of them and lovingly build them back up makes me wanna go back to the world again & again!

-- Savi Savitha/-

Crazy Analogy of Life

Life's like:

  • dawn - always dark before it turns bright
  • cycle - if it's not moving, it'll fall
  • wet cement - whatever falls on it makes an impression
  • a phone - it rings at wrong times with the right message
  • a guitar - you need to strike the right strings for a melody
  • a radio - it needs to be tuned for pleasant listening
  • a photo - you never know how it'll come out
  • a mail - sometimes you jus' don't get it
  • a train - can never take a reverse turn
  • a mountain - seems impossible only until the ascent
  • a sea - looks vast until you cross it
  • a rose - you never realize its value until a thorn pricks
  • a rainbow - can be seen only when sun shines through the rain
  • a pencil - needs to be ocassionally sharpened for smooth writing
  • a movie - give it a HAPPY ending !!!!!

-- Savi Savitha/-