About Me!

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A crazy poet, a creative writer, an occasional blogger, a dreamy dancer to the rhythms of Bharatanatyam, a passionate 'Art of Living' trainer with a penchant for Meditation, a perpetual learner of Sanskrit, a hobby graphologist, a boring Software professional .... I am all that life has ever thrown at me so lovingly and continues to!

Crazy Analogy of Life

Life's like:

  • dawn - always dark before it turns bright
  • cycle - if it's not moving, it'll fall
  • wet cement - whatever falls on it makes an impression
  • a phone - it rings at wrong times with the right message
  • a guitar - you need to strike the right strings for a melody
  • a radio - it needs to be tuned for pleasant listening
  • a photo - you never know how it'll come out
  • a mail - sometimes you jus' don't get it
  • a train - can never take a reverse turn
  • a mountain - seems impossible only until the ascent
  • a sea - looks vast until you cross it
  • a rose - you never realize its value until a thorn pricks
  • a rainbow - can be seen only when sun shines through the rain
  • a pencil - needs to be ocassionally sharpened for smooth writing
  • a movie - give it a HAPPY ending !!!!!

-- Savi Savitha/- 

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